Friday, March 13, 2009

Chapter 2 Developing Your College Vocabulary Summary

Chapter 2 summary

Chapter two “Developing your College Vocabulary” and it is about the importance of vocabulary in the college experience. It explains how vocabulary is extermely vital to one’s education.This chapter covers how important learning, understanding and building your vocabulary. When reading if you come across words you haven’t seen before, you can understand what you read better. A word map is an important tool to help us learn a new vocabulary through six steps as the following: Draw a circle and write a new vocabulary word in the center, write the sentence in which you found the word in , and then ask yourself what do you think the word mean, then look what does the word mean in the dictionary , create your own sentence, and finally identify the new word.Also using new words in your everyday vocabulary will make them a regular staple of your speech.

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