Saturday, March 14, 2009

CRCB : Chapter 10 Textbook Marking Exercise

“CRCB”: Chapter 10 Textbook Marking Exercise Learning Journal Page 319:
What do you already know about textbook marking? Do you apply what you know? Do you have a favorite strategy? If so, what is it?

I'm not sure about the correct ways to do textbook marking. When I mark in a book, I use my instinct and I seem to over-highlight the page. I see no purpose in doing that because it doesn’t point out important notes or topics.Perhaps after reading this chapter and learning how to properly mark a textbook, It will feel different.

Exercise 10b: Reading: Lifting a Veil on Sex SlaveryAnswer the prereading questions. Then read the article, “Lifting the Veil on Sex Slavery,” and apply the four textbook marking steps that you have just learned.

1. Based on the title of the article, what do you expect it to be about?I think this article is going to be based on exposing sex slavery.

2. What do you already know about the Taliban’s treatment of women?
I don’t know anything about the Taliban’s treatment of women.

3. Are you familiar with the following vocabulary words? If not, look them up in a dictionary before you start reading:
A. Burkas – a loose garment (usually with veiled holes for the eyes) worn by Muslim women especially in India and Pakistan
B. Tantamount – equivalent in effect or value
C. Degradation – changing to a lower state (a less respected state)
D. Complicity – guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offense
E. Revering – to think about someone or something with respect and awe.

4. What question might you expect this article to answer?
How should we life the veil on sex slavery?
Using your textbook marking, answer the following questions in the space provided.

1. What is the main idea of this article?
The main idea of this article is that women would be abducted by al-Qeuda from their villages, and either married off against their will and left soon after or put into brothels sold as sex slaves.

2. What does “lifting the veil” in the title mean to you?
The title “lifting the veil” to me means that, one part of these women’s culture to wear a veil over them. The veils they wear are sacred to them. When al-Qeuda would come and abduct them, these women had no time to even put their veils on. So not only where they “robbed” of their freedom, but they could not even wear their veils. The veils came off and they were now sex slaves.

3. Who is lifting the veil?
Well, how I see it is al-Qeuda is “lifting the veil” in this article. They are taking those veils away from those women.

4. The author said that Afghanistan made a mockery of the claim that the brutal restrictions placed on women were actually a way of revering and protecting them. What did the author mean by this statement?
As you can see by the definition above, to revere someone means to give them respect and hold them up high. Afghanistan in this story did nothing of the sort. They did everything but give these women respect. They actually took it away.

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